Bicore Circuits

Suspended Bicore
Amost Complete Walker Circuit


This is the basic bicore which uses either a 74HCT240 or a 74ACT240 chip. For building a walker with two motors you will need two of these hooked up master to slave. Use anywhere from 3-6 volts for power.


The main advantage this circuit has over the suspended bicore is the fact that it eliminates having to use two chips as well as another one for reversing. With this circuit, hence the name, you have an almost complete walker on one chip.

Bicore Reverser Circuit
Phototropic Bicore Circuit


If you want reversing, this is the circuit for you. Generally used in walkers, it allwos you to add 2 tactile sensors by using another bicore chip. By changin the value of the two capacitors you can adjust the timing of how long the reverser is on for.


Use this circuit for making a head. It uses two photodiodes for detecting light, and the motor will turn in that direction. You may use either the 74HCT240 or 74ACT240 chip, and you can run anywhere from 3-6 volts through it.


Copyright Andri Ulrich 2001
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